6 Herbs for Hummingbirds

Hummingbird-Loved Rosemary This culinary rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalus) attracts hummingbirds and blooms all season in my garden. Full light and adequate drainage are needed.  

Remember that rosemary blossoms on previous years' growth, so prune only after they fade. That will aid in floral branch production next year.

Cat mint flowers make lovely nectar factories. With careful deadheading, Cat Mint (Nepeta x fassinii) blooms all summer and fall. This plant attracts cats less than catnip. If planting for hummingbirds, use a hanging basket or tall planter.  

Bee Balm Lavender Bee Balm (Mondarda didyma) blooms in red, lavender, bright pink, white, and soft pink in summer. This herb blooms best under shade and with regular hydration.  

Culinary Sage Blue Flowers Culinary Sage (Salvia officinalis) blooms blue in spring. More spring herb planting ideas.  

Society Garlic, A Lovely Flowering Herb The variegated Tulbaghia violacea, or Society Garlic, is a delicate perennial used as a pond plant. It grows well in the garden.  

Colorful Lavender Hidcote Blooms Officinalis or intermedia lavender. It blooms dark and light lavender/blue, pink, or white.