For their size, some birds have remarkably long lifespans. They live at least three times as long as mammals of the same size
Parrots, flamingos, petrels, and shearwaters are thought to be the longest-living orders of Aves. Species within these groups often live over 30 years
The longest-living individual bird recorded in the wild is a Laysan albatross named Wisdom, found in the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in Hawaii,
Birds with some of the shortest lifespans include perching birds, grebes, and woodpeckers.
A general rule of thumb for any animal species is that the bigger it is, the longer it lives .
This effect is particularly strong for birds and bony fishes. As well as living longer, larger birds tend to have fewer natural predators and take longer to develop.
There are some glaring exceptions to this rule. Hummingbirds, for example, are among the smallest birds