With 15 hummingbird species found in the U.S. and several others that pop up there rarely, we see only a fraction of the total number of species
Hummingbirds have outstanding spatial memory and can remember feeder locations years later
Hummingbirds have very high energy needs. In order to keep up with their metabolism, they feed continuously throughout the day
The aptly named Bee Hummingbird, endemic to Cuba, is only about 2 inches long and weighs approximately 1.6 grams
The Blue-throated Hillstar was discovered as recently as 2017. Researchers estimate that there are fewer than 1,000 individuals
The Blue-throated Mountain-gem's heart beats as fast as 1,260 beats per minute. Costa's Hummingbird's beats between 500 and 900 times
The name hummingbird comes from the humming sound their wings make as they fly. These birds' flexible shoulder joints allow their wings to rotate 180 degrees