How Long It Should Take to Walk a Mile

Walking is cardiovascular exercise, and this type of exercise helps to reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and lowers blood pressure,

“As soon as you get out there and you start moving your body, it reduces stress, [and] reduces tension,” says Stanten.

“Walking is so flexible and readily available,” she says. “You can do it anywhere — from home, from work. 

Movement gets blood flowing to working muscles and lubricates joints, which can ease pain and stiffness, says Stanten

Even if you enjoy doing other types of exercise, walking is a simple and accessible way to stay active otherwise, she says. “It's a great cross-training modality for runners or anybody doing higher impact exercise.”

Before you think about how much you should be walking or consider setting a goal, assess how much you’re currently walking, says Stanten.

You might be confused about exactly how many steps you should be getting every day. Is it 7,500, or is 10,000 still the magic number





