'Historically, owls would nest in tree hollows, stolen hawk nests, large rock crevices, and similar places,' says Ben. 'But, owls will sometimes utilize nest boxes attached to backyard trees.'
He highlights that you'll need to select the proper size nest box for the owls in your area – and place it in a suitable position.
The ideal location will vary from one species to the next, so homeowners will need to do a little research on the species in their region
That said, you will generally want to place the box on a large tree, near a branch that allows the birds to enter and exit easily
The screech owl or saw-whet owl cedar nesting box from JCs Wildlife Store at Amazon is well-rated
Having plenty of trees in your backyard and leaving dead snags – trees that have died and are decomposing naturally
Maren recommends turning off outdoor lights at night to help attract these fascinating feathered friends to your property.
Diana Ludwiczak, founder of BirdyBirdyBirdy.com, agrees. 'Owls prefer dark environments and bright lights can be disruptive to their natural behavior