Seasonal MigrationHummingbirds migrate seasonally, moving northward in spring to breed and southward in fall to spend the winter in warmer climates
Long DistancesSome species of hummingbirds, such as the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, travel incredible distances during migration
Solo JourneysUnlike many bird species, hummingbirds migrate alone rather than in flocks
Fueling UpBefore embarking on their long migratory journey, hummingbirds increase their food intake to build up fat reserves.
Altitude and Speed Hummingbirds typically migrate at low altitudes, usually between 500 to 2,000 feet. They fly at speeds of 25-30 miles per hour
Breeding and Wintering Grounds Hummingbirds breed in North America, with the highest concentration found in the United States and Canada.
Climate Change Impact Climate change is affecting hummingbird migration patterns. Changes in temperature and the availability of food sources
Climate Change Impact Climate change is affecting hummingbird migration patterns. Changes in temperature and the availability of food sources