Hummingbird Nectar with Red Food Dye Red attracts hummingbirds, yet most feeders are red or yellow. That attracts hummingbirds without potentially dangerous dyes. Hang your feeder beside a basket of petunias to attract hummingbirds.
Only Weekly Hummingbird Feeder Filling Every three to four days, replace the nectar. You may need to refill it daily in the peak heat of summer when birds require more fluids and near the end of summer when hummingbirds bulk up for migration. Replace hazy nectar quickly.
Top Off Hummingbird Nectar Tempted to top out your feeder's nectar? The International Hummingbird Society advises emptying and cleaning it with mild detergent each time. Get new sugar water.
Unsterilized Hummingbird Feeder At least once a month, soak feeders in bleach (one tbsp per cup water) and rinse well. Hummingbirds are protected from fermentation, mold, and fungus by feeder sterilization. Some glass hummingbird feeders are dishwasher safe.
Place Hummingbird Feeder Low A shepherd's hook may be tempting to hang your feeder among garden flowers or at eye level near outdoor chairs. Don't. Hummingbird feeders should be at least four feet from the ground and away from tree trunks, retaining walls, and steps where cats and other predators can catch them.
Starting a Feeder War A large feeder with multiple nectar holes may attract more hummingbirds, especially mild-mannered females. Unfortunately, men are territorial. A single dominant male hummingbird can guard a feeder and drive out competitors.