Is a Diet Break Really Effective?

The day comes when you just want to delete it all from your phone and be free from daily watching your calorie deficit.

Take a diet break – a planned break from being in a calorie deficit. This usually lasts for 1 or two weeks, but the duration is up to you.  

Some people even search for a special diet break meal plan to be sure they’re breaking their diet healthily. 

Eating a balanced diet during your diet or non-diet periods is crucial for individuals who aim to lose weight or maintain their current one. 

A diet break has nothing to do with indulging in any junk food you like – you still need to keep tabs on the meals you toss in your mouth.

A diet break after dieting should not make you feel guilty. There is no strict rule here, as It is dependent on each individual. 

It’s important to keep your diet sustainable, and having well-planned diet breaks is a helpful method for achieving that. Taking a two-week diet break every 6–16 weeks may actually be good for your mental and physical health. 





