Discover the best time to visit Alaska for optimal Northern Lights viewing and how to plan your trip around weather conditions and aurora forecasts.
Explore the top spots in Alaska for viewing the Northern Lights, including Fairbanks, Denali National Park, and the Arctic Circle.
Gain insights into the science behind the Northern Lights, including the role of solar activity and geomagnetic storms in creating this breathtaking natural phenomenon.
Discover tips and techniques for photographing the Northern Lights, including recommended camera settings, equipment essentials, and composition tips for capturing stunning aurora images.
Aurora hunts, photography courses, and overnight stays in isolated wilderness lodges are available on Northern Lights trips. Find the best tour for your budget and tastes.
Learn about proper etiquette for viewing the Northern Lights, including respecting the environment and fellow observers.
Discover additional attractions and activities to enjoy during your Alaska Northern Lights adventure, including dog sledding, ice fishing, and visiting traditional Native villages.